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tv   First Look  MSNBC  September 28, 2017 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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officials acknowledge having supplies where they need to go. breaking overnight, playboy mogul dies. president trump calls it a middle class miracle. republicans unvooeil highly anticipated tax proposal and democrats are already voicing opposition.
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good morning, everyone. it's thursday, september 28. i'm ayman mohyeldin. it's been just over a week since hurricane maria hit puerto rico. there's been delays in getting aide to the island. department of defense reiterated yesterday that nearly half of the residents remain without drinking water. locals say they are increasing worried about a looming public health crisis. fema says it's delivered more than 6 million leert liters of and supplies. the problem isn't getting enough trucks and drivers to reach people throughout the entire island. nbc news correspondent has been in puerto rico for the past week and has the very latest. >> reporter: good morning. more than a week after murmz hue maria ripped through here, the magnitude of the disaster is sinking in. no power, no water, no phones.
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many people heard help is on the way, many haven't seen it yet. it's been one week, still looking for water for her children. >> it's hard because we don't have anything. >> she's among the many desperate for help. the destruction is a mess. these grandparents lost their home of 40 years. the roof ripped off. storms aftermath is devastating. >> no water. >> it's been one week and across the island, supplies still aren't getting where they're supposed to. this grocery store rationing water and rice. trucks are low on fuel. governor says supplies are sitting in storage because private sector drivers aren't showing up for delivery. >> it's been one week and the agonizing lines for gas begin before dawn. stretching for locks in
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sweltering heat. >> gas moves everything. >> it can be life threatening. >> how do you deal with this long-term. >> there's no long-term possibility to this. >> this hospital had to evacuate several children on ventilators because backup generator ran out. >> there were patients on ventilators department on the time at a battery. that lasts approximately eight hours. >> royal caribbean cancelling a cruise and using the ship to take evacuees to the u.s. mainland. in new york relieved travelers got out on one of the few cheshl flights off the island. >> they tell you the federal help is coming. >> we haven't seen it. >> haven't seen anything. >> before her patience runs dry. >> that royal caribbean cruise ship is set to evacuate thousands of people later today.
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>> thank you for that reporting. coming up in just a little bit, puerto rico's governor will be a guest on morning joe. president trump whether or not to use the jones act. law from 1920 prohibits tankers from hauling crude oil. the jones act has been suspended after other naturaldy s dy sad >> we have a lot of ships out there right now. puerto rico is a very difficult situation. that place was destroyed. it's not a question of let's dry up the water. let's do this or that. that place was flattened. that is a really tough situation. i feel so badly. >> may i ask a question.
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>> senator john mccain who has asked the department of homeland security to wave the restriction says the shipping industry supports the jones act. puerto rico deserves better than policy decisions driven by special interest. the iconic hue her in has died. he er fner announced death yesty along with picture and quote reading life is too short to the be living someone else's dream. he reportedly died of natural causes at home. he was 91 years old. republicans rolled out nine
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page tax proposal. still vague on key details. plan lowers corporate tax rate from 35% to 20%. simplifies and cuts tax rates. expanding the child tax credit and inherited wealth. individual income rates would consolidate. the current top rate is 39.6% and current low rate is 10%. now estimates say the plan could cost up to $2.2 trillion. republicans have not outlined plan to pay for it yet. democrats say the benefits to the wealthy far outweigh the ones to the middle class and that's something president trump disputed while he promoted the plan from the indiana state fairgrounds. >> our framework includes explicit commitment that tax reform will protect low income and middle income households, not the wealthy and well connected. they can call me all they want.
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it's not going to help. i'm going to right thing. it's not good for me, believe me. >> joining us now, white house correspondent from bloomberg, i want to start with a comment from senator lindsey graham. this is what he told nbc yesterday about the importance of tax reform to the republican party. it's the difference between succeeding as a party and failing. it's the difference between having a majority in 2018 or losing it. it's the difference between one terms and two. >> so i'm curious to get your thoughts. is he right in that? is this going to be do or die for the party in the midterm elections. >> it's absolutely a sentiment that's felt very wildly in washington, not just in congress. among republicans, but also in the white house. the white house is very aware that this is a high stakes battle here. they have to get some sort of
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legislative achievement done. they think this tax cut is going to be essential. even aside from that, when you look at the members in congress, if they can't accomplish something before 2018, which is quickly approaching, that's the midterm elections, they are really going to have to answer to their constituents and health he form was a battle that they kind of say it's not over, but you know, it's on life support. this could even be a tougher battle. you know, i've been talking to members who say, if you thought health care was bad, wait until you see tax reform. it's a long hard road. they know it's one they have to get through and succeed at this time. >> let's talk about how to bring health care back from life support. as you put it. president trump weighing in on the future of health care reform yesterday. making some claims.
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i want you to take a listen and then we'll talk. >> i'm also going to meet with democrats and see if i can get a health care plan that's even better. so i will negotiate with democra democrats, but from the republican standpoint, we have the votes. we'll vote in january, february, or march. >> a couple things here. how realistic is it that he can bring the republicans and democrats together on something so particularizing of an issue and why not do this beforehand? well, yes, why didn't we start talking about a bipartisan piece of legislation back in january, have committee hearings, bring both sides together. right. a lot of people have been -- especially democrats have been wondering why didn't we try and do this the old fashioned way rather than push it through with just republican support. they do not have the republican votes now despite what the president keeps saying.
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susan collins is a yes. no, you don't have rand paul. you don't have john mccain. you can only lose three votes. they don't have the votes right now. now, they have lost the window of trying to do this republican only so they're going to need to get democrats on board either way. that's very, very tough call. >> this is very much wait and see what happens. >> they have immigration to deal with as well. >> a lot of the docket there. facebook has become the latest target of president trump's. accuses the giant of working with the media. took to favorite platform writing facebook was always anti-trump and networks were always anti-trump hence fake news. at "new york times" apologize and "washington post" were anti-trump collusion. he continued with the people were pro-trump virtually no president has accomplished what we have accomplished in the first nine months, an economy
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areaing. facebook ceo fired back at the president's accusation in the form of a public response. every day i work to bring people together and build a community for everyone. hope to give all people a voice and create a platform for all ideas. he continued, trump says facebook is against him. liberals say we helped trump. that's what running a platform for all ideas looks like. zuckerberg regrets saying it was crazy to think facebook influenced the outcome of presidential race. the taliban is claiming responsibility for yesterday's attack on the attack at the airport. he was not near the airport at the time of the attack. first trip to the country since
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the trump administration announced a new strategy. several officials were also on the trip. multiple senior taliban commanders reportedly claim insiders in the afghan security establishment and at the airport fed them information about mattis's secret visit. isis claimed responsibility through their service, but as usual sl offis offering to evid new questions surrounding i otto warmbier. earlier this week parents revealed some horrifying details saying their son had been tortured. post mortum report attempts to shed more light how he was treated. nbc andrea mitchell reports. >> the coroner going public for the first time about 22-year-old american otto warmbier's mysterious death. days after returning from
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captivity of north korea. >> few small scars we documented. >> evidence of a breathing tube. scars on ankles, feet and arms. including take yactake yachtmy scar. >> his parents describing horrific condition. >> they kidnapped otto, tortured him. intentionally injured him. >> only days later he died from complications of a long-term brain injury caused by lack of oxygen. also say the teeth were damaged. >> looked like someone had taken a pair of pliers and rearranged his bottom teeth. >> forensic dentist saw no evidence of that. at the parent's request no autopsy was performed. including a ct scan. >> i wish we had some answers,
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and, you know, i wish i know the family is looking for answers, but at this time, we're never going to know. >> unless his captors come forward and reveal what they did to otto warmbier in prison. still ahead, top republican senator weighs in on his retirement and who could potentially be making a run for his seat. >> later the house oversight committee launches an investigation into tax funded travel. those stories and a check on weather when we come back.
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want sure!ck? alright, looks like we've got chips, popcorn, pretzels? pretzels! plain, sourdough, spicy, sesame, honey mustard, chocolate covered, peanut butter filled, this one's in german, it says, "reindfleisch?" plain. great. so what are we gonna watch? oh! show me fall tv. check out the best of the best hand-picked fall shows on xfinity x1, online, and the xfinity stream app. thirsty? you know, it's been a poll.
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everybody back in the state has known that. yet, you end upcoming here and being chairman of the foreign relations committee. >> it's a lot to give up. >> it is. you end up vgs influence. i am in no way frustrated. the narrative that someone like me would leave because of frustration just isn't there. every day is a privilege. i've provided entertainment for all of you because i'm willing to say things that, you know, are on people's minds. it's always been about trying to make something happen. >> says it's unlikely his friend will actually throw his hat into the ring. >> you never know. >> it's possible. manning for his part said yesterday is giving zero
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consideration to running. >> the rock, kid rock and payton manning. >> get a check on your weather now. bill, once hurricane maria maria is now tropical storm maria and going on to the atlantic. we're all happy she's gone. >>ner say hurricane maria again. this name will be retired. at the end of the season, go back and look and recycle the names every five years unless they get retired. i'm sure we'll never hear harvey, irma, or maria again. guarantee retirement. now tropical storm. 275 miles northeast of cape patterson. best news now moving away. out to sea. what a month of september it has been. we have gone every single day during this month tracking at least one hurricane and some cases multiple hurricanes every day of this month in the atlantic basin. started with irma. cattia, lee and maria.
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maria lasted since the 17th. now going on 11 days with maria. still in the peak period of the hurricane season. we really consider august, september, october the peak three months. september being the peak month. we still have activity out there. hurricane center says this little area south of cuba has a 40% chance of development. if it does, it would not be a huge storm. just a big rainmaker over areas of florida over the next week. again, nothing brewing that looks horrible anywhere in the atlantic basin. this is the good news. you'll notice when you go home today and everybody else. great lakes, beautiful weather moving in. >> good news. >> looking forward to that. >> should make for an interesting weekend. >> still ahead. one of college's basketball's top coaches placed on administrative leave. major league baseball picture comes into focus. sports is next. can i get some help. watch his head. ♪
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taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, indigestion, and constipation. side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. ask your doctor about victoza®. welcome back. time now for sports and sweeping laelgss of bribery and fraud in college basketball. university of louisville has suspended head coach along with school's athletic director. unidentified player who allegedly enrolled at the university after bribes were paid to family was removed from team activities. louisville announced in a press conference yesterday. take a listen.
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i would say i was more angry. embarrassment is part of it as well. people who have watched what the university of louisville has been doing will understand that we have been working day and night committed to make sure that this place is a wonderful place for our students and faculty and staff and we're making a tremendous amount of progress and when something like this happens, it makes we angry that we have more work to do. the coach has done nothing wrong and no evidence to suggest otherwise. put on leave the suspension is unpaid. lawyer's statement said the bn fired, but claimed the facts will exonerate him. he has eight years left on a ten years contract at louisville. also earned more than $2 million from adidas. meanwhile the yiefrt of miami has confirmed the u.s.
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attorney's office is investigating a poernl tie to a member of the hurricane's coaching staff as well and alabama has accepted the resignation of director of basketball operation after the school completed an internal review. beat st. louis 5-1 last night. first time made three straight post seasons since 1906 to 1908. cubs have four games left in the regular season before facing the washington nationals. minnesota twins are also heading to the playoffs in historic fashion. the first team in major league history to make the post season after having at least 100 losses the year before. minnesota was the league worst 59 and 103 last season.
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the twins lost yesterday 4-2 to seemingly unstoppable indians, but locked up a wild card spot after the angels fell to white sox. face either the yankees or red sox in opening round. >> exciting time for baseball fans, right? >> looks like the curse is over, maybe? >> maybe. >> it was over last year. >> maybe it was revived this year and now it's over. still ahead. long awaited tax reform roll out is lacking key details. leaving many questions unanswered this morning. >> plus members of congress calling for tom price to be fired after a private jet scandal in the president's wing. we'll be right back. on stage. getting oe i wanted to be clear. i wanted it to last. so i kept on fighting. i found something that worked. and keeps on working. now? they see me. see me.
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welcome back, everybody. it is the bottom of the hour. start with the morning's top stories. growing frustration in puerto rico over the response for hurricane maria. one week after the storm hit the island. the department of defense reiterated again yesterday that nearly half of puerto rico's 3.4 million residents remain without drinking water. while fema says it delivered more than 6 million liters of water and 4 million meals, puerto rico's governor said the problem is getting enough trucks and drivers to reach the people there. >> overseas tens of thousands of people trying to evacuate the island of bali. authorities warn of possible volcano eruption. rattled daily. high chance of eruption. the volcano last erupted in 1963
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killing 1100 people. creator of the play buoy brand hugh hefner has died. after months of work, republicans unveiled nine page tax proposals making promises. >> reporter: fresh off another defeat to repeal obamacare. turning to taxes. >> middle class miracle. it's called a middle class miracle. taking his pitch to mike pence's home state indiana. what he call as once in a generation opportunity thchlt is . >> this is a revolutionary change. biggest winners will be every day american workers. jobs start pouring into the country. >> sweeping overhaul just a
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blueprint. cutting income tax rates and expanding child tax credit. crucial to the family in indiana. it's important to us to get tax breaks and we count on them as part of our income. >> still the long awaited rollout is lacking key details leaving many questions unanswered. experts warn it could cost the country more than $2 trillion over a decade. >> without the details we're still figuring it out. the winners are today's taxpayers. we're going to have a big tax cut where the bill is added to the debt. losers are kids who have to pay for that. >> president saying plan won't benefit wealthy people like himself. >> i'm going the right thing. it's not good for me, believe me. >> democrats not buying it. >> ain't walking the walk. this tax critical to a president who eight months in still badly needs a legislative win. promising to revisit health care next year after reaching across
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the aisle. >> i'm going to meet with democrats and i will see if i can get a health care plan that's even better. >> also this morning, the president dealing with another embarrassing setback after the accomplishment candidate he endorsed lost in alabama senate primary. president trump deleting tweets promoting luther strange and posting a new one praising winner ray moore backed by steve bannon. top republican tax writer in the house congressman kevin brady a guest on morning joe. talking health care. a potential executive order that would allow people to purchase health insurance across state lines. speaking at the white house, president said his order would apply to millions of people and could be signed by next week. while the president did not elaborate political reports most insurance experts find it hard to imagine how an executive order could sur plant existing state regulations and believe a move would likely spark a legal
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challenge. new national poll shows majority of voters hold doubts about president trump's ability to serve in office. whether trump is fit to serve as president, majority 56% say no. 42% say he is. this as his job approval improved modestly from august, 36% approved, 57% disapproved. six in ten americans disapprove on job performance on other issues. 38 approving on foreign policy and immigration. 34% approving on environment and health care. republican party is stimcomistimcome stimcoming -- still coming to grips. still coming -- still coming to grips.
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by allies of the president and senate majority leader mitch mcconnell. obtained a memo about the alabama electionhat circulated among republican donors. written by steven law. president of the leadership fund super pac. said primary voters were angry and inclined to blame republicans for dysfunction in washington. reading in part, republican congress has replaced president obama as the man for primary voters. this narrative driven by trump himself and resinates with primary voters who believe the republican congress isn't doing enough as we frequently heard in focus groups to advance the president's agenda. yesterday he said he spoke with roy moore and commented on his role in the senate primary. roy ran a really great race. i know what they did with mitch and used it in the campaign. he works hard and i'm sure things will work out. >> what about mitch mcconnell.
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is he in trouble. >> you'll have to ask senators about that. i do have confidence in him. yes. hi will say they used him in the race. i was honored by the way i was treated in the race, but they used him in the race. >> we have more developments in president trump's cabinet use of private jets. scott pruitt head of the epa spent $58,000 on noncommercial air travel. costing taxpayers more than $14,000. this after treasury secretary steve mnuchin. tom price has spent more than $400,000 on taxpayer funded travel since may. under federal travel regulation
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advised to take the most expeditious means of transportation. by no means should include personal use. also reporting that some white house advisers are calling for price to be fired. a question president trump left dangling when speaking to reporters yesterday. >> i am going to see. i'm looking at that very closely. i'm not happy with it. i will tell you i'm not happy with it. >> would you fire him. >> the department of health and human services did not respond to direct request about the president saying we'll see when asked if he plans to fire secretary price. the hhs inspector general is reviewing the travel expenses now. joining us shannon, talk to us about how widespread the use of private jet travel is by cabinet secretaries. >> when is it deemed necessary
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for security purposes and could president trump change things here for this. the predecessor only used a private plane once to get to a very remote location. this is not typical. this is raising a lot of eyebrows in washington. this isn't a thing. that's why this story has really caught on so much. in the situation of price, we've seen a lot of people come in and out of the president's dog house of jeff sessions most notable example where he seems to show no confidence in them. said disparaging things about them. they end up sticking around: in this situation, there is reason to think that secretary price might not be long for this job. the president was already displeased with his handling of this obamacare repeal.
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when he said we'll see, we'll see. >> let me ask you quickly about the fallout for republicans and congress. last night paul ryan seemed to defend the houses record when it was compared to the senate's record. take a listen. >> we're on schedule in the house. we passed the health care bill back in may. we pass ed repeal of dodd/frank we did the military. we did veterans. we did education reforms. we did school choice. we did pro-life. we've done all these things. we passed 337 bills in the house as of this week. 274 of them are still in the senate. seems like paul ryan is trying to distance himself a little bit from moitch mcconnell.
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if he can get tax reform through, a lot will be forgiven. paul ryan is right there with mitch mcconnell as this develop boogy man right now. anti-establishment movement is going against. focus is on mitch mcconnell because of the obamacare failure in the senate, paul ryan is not far behind in unpopularity in anti-establishment movement out there. >> thank you very much. kurdish population voted for independence. according to results from the election, more than 92% voted in favor during last week's vote. referendum was held in kurdish region three provinces as well other disputed territories controlled by kurdish forces. the nonbinding vote is unlikely to lead to formal independence.
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iraq and other surrounding countries in addition to the united states, all strongly against the move of kurdish independence. iraqi prime minster ruled out the use of force to prevent, but take other measures and threatened to block all flights fromhe kurdish region international airport. turning now to theatest in the crisis in the korean peninsula. called for country to ramp up defense capabilities in the face of ongoing aggression from the north. comes at south korean officials say they expect more provocation in pyongyang in october. joining us now, janice. south korean sworn there's not going to be a war in the region. now ramping up defense capabilities. is the situation changing? >> south korea's national security adviser is looking for more. says the u.s. will send
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strategic military capabilities in order to deter against the north. b 52 bombers. aircraft carries. there's been no official confirmation by the pentagon, but south korea president moon was making a speech. south korea will do everything it can to stand up to what he called reckless provocation by the north with strong punishment. what it's doing is under scoring this concern about an arm's race in asia. in particular here in china. china has already been long opposed to having that u.s. made anti-missile defense system in south korea. the thad system. it's something chinese officials are more than likely to raise with u.s. secretary of state rex tillerson when he travels to beijing this weekend for meetings with chinese officials. this is of course a critical time for diplomatic efforts. china says it's on board.
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says it's enforcing sanctions. still a degree of trade happening between china and north korea. they say they are committed to trying to see a diplomatic solution through because a war on the peninsula would produce no winner. seems like china wanting both sides to lessen defense capabilities and that's not happening. >> and tone down the rhetoric. >> exactly. still ahead, california takes new steps to have a bigger step in the presidential nominee process. the impact it may have on the 2020 election. bill karins back with us. check on the forecast. record high temperatures give way to more fall like weather. for your heart...
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nominating process. advance presidential primary to first monday in march. moving ahead three months after holding june in past years. under the current projections. change puts california fifth in the process after iowa, new hamp shire, nevada, south carolina. to join super tuesday when dozens of states have held their contest. let's get a check on the weather. bill karins. it's been a surreal september. i can't remember a time you weren't tracking a significant storm. >> thankfully quiet. florida going to get a tropical wave. done with maria being a hurricane. down to a tropical storm. race out to sea. done with any affects whatsoever. just rip currents at the beaches. careful over the next day or two. now we're going to focus back in the western caribbean. go into october. development region. gulf of mexico or the western
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caribbean. area of low pressure may try to develop over cuba next five days. 40% chance it could become a tropical depression. even if it does, conditions not favorable for huge storm. rainmaker heading up to florida. rain in the forecast over the next couple of days. texas the worst weather in the country right now is here from dell rio. through new jersey and blue on the map. even snow in the area of the central rockies. that time of year. during the day today, umbrella area for texas, new mexico. continue up there in colorado too. rainfall totals shouldn't be too bad. flood watches in effect. right along the border of mexico and west texas. a the other story is we're finally done with heat waves. syracuse went three days in a row in the 90s for the first time since 2013. here it is late september.
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pretty eye opening stuff for this late in the season to be as hot as it was. 73 in chicago. new york, d.c., 77 and 78. in the northeast little humid this morning. by the afternoon, humidity is cut in half. very enjoyable air mass. >> i walked in this morning t windows were fogged up. it was so humid. >> you'll be happy when you leave work, for more than one reason. >> exactly. >> still ahead, lawmakers call on silicone valley's biggest players to discuss russia's role in the election. equifax and the massive data breach. those stories and more driving your business day coming up. (vo) more "doing chores for mom"
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2:51 am
want sure!ck? alright, looks like we've got chips, popcorn, pretzels? pretzels! plain, sourdough, spicy, sesame, honey mustard, chocolate covered, peanut butter filled, this one's in german, it says, "reindfleisch?" plain. great. so what are we gonna watch? oh! show me fall tv. check out the best of the best hand-picked fall shows on xfinity x1, online, and the xfinity stream app. thirsty?
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remember the ceo was invented with creating the dvr. >> one more report we were following that uber was winding down the car-leasing business. >> that has been confirmed by the tweet journal. how is this going to affect the company? >> yeah, speaking of rocky rides, they've had their own rocky rides, there are hopes under the new ceo that things are going to turn around. this guy is a structuring expert
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in turning around businesses. so taking a really fine tooth comb to look at all the different businesses and find out what's not profitable. first on the chopping block is exchange in the car-leasing business. this is when they looked to it, they did new analysis the other day, it turns out the average loss on a vehicle is 18 times what was originally thought. what's at stake ends up being this probably isn't the last restructuring change to happen over and over. guys. >> thanks so much. coming up next on ""morning joe,"" president trump and republicans officially rolling out their plan to overhaul the tax code. believe it or not, already met with mixed reviews. the top republican writer in the house republican kevin brady and house freedom caucus mark meadows will explain how the ultra conservative arm is on board. the white house is facing mounting criticism for the growing humanitarian crisis in puerto rico in the wake of hurricane maria, goffrey cardo
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rossello will give us more on the recovery there. "morning joe," minutes away. kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin trusted advice for life. kevin, how's your mom? life well planned. see what a raymond james financial advisor can do for you. ♪ hungry eyes ♪ one look at you and i can't disguise ♪ ♪ i've got hungry eyes ♪ applebee's 2 for $20. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood.
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welcome back, everybody. before we toss it over to ""morning joe,"" let's talk about the stories will you hear about ahead. mike pence starts his day in michigan, where he'll meet with local business leaders and families to discuss the plan he'll then head to wisconsin where he and governor scott walker wil tour a business and meet with leaders there. meanwhile, a funal for the victim of sunday's churc shooting in tennessee is set to be held. services for 38-year-old melly smith crowe will be held in nashville. police say crowe was shot and killed in the parking lot by 25-year-old emanuel sampson a new fbi director takes the reigns today, a new ceremony will be held in the courtyard. president trump is not expected to attend the event. ""morning joe,"" everybody, starts right now. >> it's the difference between
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succeeding as a party and failing. it's the difference between having a majority in 2018 or losing it. it's the difference between one term and two. ♪ republican for lindsey graham framing just how important passing tax reform is to his party. yesterday, republicans rolled out their tax proposal. but will it fair any better than their plan to appeal obamacare? and how will a 15% party approval rating help? we've got the new numbers this morning. more than a week after hurricane maria and slow-moving aid from the u.s. causing frustration, to say the least, in puerto rico. officials acknowledge they're having trouble getting supplies where they need to go. we will go live to the dire scene there. good morning, it is thursday, september 28th. welcome to "morning joe." with us we have "morning


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